If you say there is an elephant in the room, you mean that there is an obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about.
n. A very large issue that everyone is acutely aware of, but nobody wants to talk about. Perhaps a sore spot, perhaps politically incorrect, or perhaps a political hot potato, it's something that no one wants to touch with a ten foot pole. Sometimes pink elephant in the room.
意思是有一個重大的問題,是大家都知道的,但是沒有人願意去談論他,也許是個敏感議題(sore spot),或是政治上的錯誤,重大燙手山芋議題之類的大家不願去碰觸,或當作是幻覺不願回應
sore spot:敏感議題
Hot potato:燙手山芋
A difficult problem.
Ten foot pole:不願碰觸
when someone is so ugly and disgusting that no one would want to touch them, sometimes not EVEN with a ten foot pole.
address= deal with=處理
White elephant
Pink elephant
Related to this is a white elephant sale, which is the kind of event at which you are apt to find things for sale which are perfectly fine – working, clean, and otherwise OK – but yet which are unwanted. Eight-track tape players, maybe. Or a hand-cranked washing machine. Clothing that was fashionable 30 years ago and has yet to come back into style. Art made by the artless and given as gifts to the thankless – or once bought by the tasteless.
Pink elephants are a joking way to describe the hallucinations – strange, imaginary visions and thoughts – you might see if you are excessively drunk or under the influence of drugs. A pink elephant is also used to mean something extraordinary.
Pink elephant is also often used when talking about how hard it is to not think of something once it’s been mentioned. If I tell you: “Don’t think of pink elephants,” what are you going to do? You’re going to think about pink elephants.
The approximate opposite of a pink elephant is the elephant in the room or elephant in the living room. “They ignored the elephant in the room: their daughter still would not speak to them until they agreed to let her go to the beach with her friends.”